Дополнительное профессиональное образование. Лицензия № 4650 от 27.12.2021
Orthopedic massage courses for diseases and injuries of the shoulder joint
Professor A.V. Shevtsova eliminates soreness and stiffness in the entire shoulder-scapular complex, restores freedom of movement of the arms in all directions without painful restrictions. Promotes vascular activation of the brain, improving the function of external respiration and heart rate. Eliminates the asymmetry of the shoulder blades and shoulder joints. Helps improve posture.
This technique is an integral part of the rehabilitation system of Professor A.V. Shevtsov and is not used in practice as a mono-method. For this training cycle, specialists are accepted only after completing courses of health-improving deep massage .
After successfully completing the courses, you will be issued a certificate signed by Professor A.V. Shevtsov, Doctor of Biological Sciences, Head of the Department of Physical Rehabilitation of the National State University named after P.F. Lesgaft, allowing the use of the author's massage method in health-improving practices.