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Курсы ортопедического массажа шейного отдела

Orthopedic massage courses for the correction of biomechanical disorders of the cervical spine and cerebral dysfunctions


19-21 мая

Учимся ежедневно в течение 3 дней

на буднях с 18:30 до 22:30

Стоимость обучения 25 000 руб.


29-31 июля

Учимся ежедневно в течение 3 дней

на буднях и в субботу с 18:30 до 22:30,

в воскресенье с 12:00 до 18:00

Стоимость обучения 25 000 руб.

Professor A.V. Shevtsova contributes to the correction of vertebrobasilar insufficiency, cerebral circulation disorders, elimination of muscle torticollis, deforming spondyloarthrosis, herniated intervertebral discs. Orthopedic massage of the cervical spine improves memory, vision, hearing and normalizes cognitive functions.

This technique is an integral part of the rehabilitation system of Professor A.V. Shevtsov and is not used in practice as a mono-method. For this training cycle, specialists are accepted only after completing courses of health-improving deep massage .

After successfully completing the courses, you will be issued a certificate signed by Professor A.V. Shevtsov, Doctor of Biological Sciences, Head of the Department of Physical Rehabilitation of the National State University named after P.F. Lesgaft, allowing the use of the author's massage method in health-improving practices.


Graduates who have successfully completed orthopedic massage courses for the correction of biomechanical disorders of the cervical spine and cerebral dysfunctions

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We invite you to familiarize yourself with the rich arsenal  methods of professor A.V. Shevtsova 


Orthopedic massage courses for diseases and injuries of the shoulder joint

3-6 марта


Orthopedic massage courses for posture disorders and osteochondrosis of the thoracic spine

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Courses of orthopedic massage of the foot and ankle joint for arthrosis and flat feet

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