Дополнительное профессиональное образование. Лицензия № 4650 от 27.12.2021
Wellness deep body massage courses
The massage technique of Doctor of Biological Sciences, Professor Anatoly Shevtsov is based on the physical, mental and energy levels and built on completely new highly effective techniques for layer-by-layer workout of the superficial and deep muscles of the whole body.
Anatoly Vladimirovich Shevtsov will reveal for you many exclusive professional secrets from his many years of scientific and practical activity in medical rehabilitation and sports of the highest achievements. You will learn how to perform a general massage of the whole body using new, highly effective techniques for working out the superficial and deep muscles, ligaments and tendons in layers.
You will learn to control the movement of body fluids by creating unobstructed blood circulation and lymphatic drainage in the body. Physical work with muscles will be combined with the definition and release of "emotional clamps" to improve the psycho-emotional state. These especially important body-psychological techniques will help your clients overcome internal obstacles to recovery, create conditions for getting rid of psychological problems, bodily disorders and energy blocks that have accumulated in the body as a result of many years of stress.
The courses of health-improving deep massage according to the method of Anatoly Shevtsov will allow you to quickly start independent practice with your patients, and the knowledge gained will allow you in your work with patients to achieve guaranteed high results of healing the spine from the neck to the tailbone, the entire musculoskeletal system and the body as a whole.
In a few sessions of high-quality massage, you will be able to give your patients an amazing feeling of lightness and freedom in a restored and renewed body.
You will learn to feel very subtly the patient's mood, his physical and psycho-emotional problems. You will be able to perform massage procedures on the body of varying degrees of complexity already in the first lessons.
You will learn how a massage therapist can work hard without getting tired, always feeling cheerful and energetic. Knowing many professional secrets, you can quickly make a successful career as a massage therapist and learn how to attract a large number of clients with your highly effective massage.
Each lesson, students on each other perform full-fledged massages of the whole body, improving their skills under the guidance of Professor Anatoly Shevtsov.
Deep wellness massage courses will take you to a new level of professional and personal capabilities. Studying and mastering the wellness massage method will be equally interesting and very informative for both experienced massage practitioners and those who want to learn professional massage from scratch, as well as for everyone for powerful personal self-development and for those who want to become a highly professional body therapist.
Deep wellness massage courses will take you to a new level of professional and personal capabilities.
Studying and mastering the method of deep wellness massage will be equally interesting and very informative both for experienced massage practitioners and for those who want to learn professional massage from scratch, as well as for everyone for powerful personal self-development and for those who want to become a highly professional body therapist. ...
Wellness deep massage has a powerful enhancement of the energy potential of a person, eliminates muscle asymmetries and chronic muscle overstrain.
The technique gives amazing results:
With osteochondrosis of the cervical, thoracic and lumbar spine;
With myofascial pain syndrome in the back and neck. Elimination of painful muscle seals;
With herniated intervertebral disc;
With arthritis and arthrosis of the joints of the upper and lower extremities;
With pelvic muscle tension, with piriformis syndrome and pain along the sciatic nerve, with pain in the tailbone;
In case of poor posture and juvenile osteochondropathy;
With vascular disorders;
With psychosomatic disorders;
With a decrease in sexual and reproductive functions.
Your clients will always be grateful to you and will be happy to talk about miraculous techniques and a wonderful masseur. You will quickly become a successful and in-demand massage therapist!
After successfully completing the courses, you will be issued a certificate signed by Professor A.V. Shevtsov, Doctor of Biological Sciences, Head of the Department of Physical Rehabilitation of the National State University named after P.F. Lesgaft, allowing the use of the author's massage method in health-improving practices.

Select the dates on which it is convenient for you to complete the training
Graduates who have successfully completed the deep wellness massage courses
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