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Lymphatic drainage body detox massage courses


26 февраля-2 марта

Учимся ежедневно в течение 5 дней

на буднях и в субботу с 18:30 до 22:30,

в воскресенье с 12:00 до 18:00

Стоимость обучения 30 000 руб.


5-9 апреля

Учимся ежедневно в течение 5 дней

на буднях и в субботу с 18:30 до 22:30,

в воскресенье с 12:00 до 18:00

Стоимость обучения 30 000 руб.

The method of professor A.V. Shevtsova gives amazing results by launching the processes of rejuvenation simultaneously in all functional systems of the body. The body gets a powerful healing effect, it becomes youthful, beautiful and plastic again.

The loss of its youthful elasticity by the skin is a natural process of biological aging. But due to a number of conditions and circumstances, this process of age-related changes occurs in all people with completely different degrees of intensity. In most cases, the initial signs of a "floating" body begin to appear after the age of thirty. Aging occurs gradually, disrupting the former external aesthetics and attractiveness. Muscles lose their anatomical geometry, gradually being replaced by either adipose or connective tissues.


Due to muscle-tissue imbalance, excess skin appears in various parts of the body, which begins to weaken and sag under the influence of its own gravity. The skin on the body begins to become thinner and drier, losing its healthy color and attractive appearance. Due to the deterioration of the functioning of the functional systems of the body, a physiological breakdown of tissue supply occurs, which leads to a decrease in the production of collagen and elastin, which are responsible for the plasticity and elasticity of the skin. For the same reason, there is a slowdown in the production of hyaluronic acid, which plays an important role in the processes of skin hydration. All this leads to body wilting and visible signs of aging.


The weakening of the human tissue frame at the muscular and skin levels can also be the result of metabolic disturbances in the body caused by certain diseases or dysfunction of the endocrine system, a consequence of stress, changes in hormonal levels. A sharp decrease in weight and stretched skin of the abdominal region after pregnancy are also provoking factors in reducing the tone of muscles and skin, leading to sagging skin in the abdomen and lower extremities, and the appearance of stretch marks.

The science of biology in combination with cosmetology allowed Professor Anatoly Shevtsov to create a new massage method that will allow women and men at any age to remain young and beautiful. The new massage method makes it possible to significantly correct the biological age towards rejuvenating the body and the whole organism as a whole. The courses of lymphatic drainage detox body massage are the next stage of aesthetic physical rehabilitation, which is carried out to the client immediately after the course of the wellness and anti-cellulite modeling massage. The impact at the new stage of rehabilitation of age-related bodily changes in new massage manipulations occurs at a deeper tissue level and simultaneously involves the skin, subcutaneous fat and the most accessible muscle-fascial tissues in terms of the depth of impact. More intensive toning of blood and lymph vessels is performed.


Lymphatic drainage detox massage is a non-surgical alternative to plastic surgery, and in many respects it surpasses it many times over. The main advantages of the method are that no aggressive influences on the human body are carried out, no bruises on the body after the procedures remain, no long rehabilitation period, as it happens after operations, is also not required. A person interested in their bodily beauty simply regularly comes twice a week for an hour and a half or two hours of massage and with each session gets a more and more beautiful body of athletic build. Rejuvenation occurs not only at the bodily level, but also in all functional systems of the body. The whole body massage procedure is absolutely painless, especially if the client has gone through, as recommended, first sessions of wellness and then modeling massage, where many chronic tensions in the tissues and functional systems of the body are eliminated.

The aesthetic results of lymphatic drainage detox massage can be seen already after the first procedure. However, in order to achieve the maximum effect, an individual course will be required. Several sessions of lymphatic drainage detox massage allow you to achieve: a clear contour of the body, reduction of the manifestations of cellulite and stretch marks, getting rid of sagging and wrinkled skin, getting rid of excess weight. The entire body, even in the most problematic areas, becomes noticeably younger. Regular lymphatic drainage detox massage procedure allows you to remove excess subcutaneous fat from the thighs, abdomen and buttocks, as well as significantly reduce the volume in these areas. The body begins to look healthier and more attractive, and the skin acquires a good turgor and a natural youthful color. Stretch marks decrease or disappear altogether. Special attention in the massage technique is paid to the knees and elbows, which are often subject to age-related changes. The elbows and knees begin to look noticeably younger after the procedures.


A whole section in the method of lymphatic drainage detox massage is devoted to manual abdominoplasty, that is, working with the anterior abdominal wall and lateral parts of the abdomen. Visceral fat and enlarged abdomen are the most complex and difficult formations in the program for correcting age-related bodily changes, which massage therapists will have to work with. But even this area gradually decreases in volume, noticeably tightens up and, to the delight of the client, the restoration of the aesthetic proportions of the abdomen takes place.


Lymphatic drainage detox massage is a very good rehabilitation method for correcting external changes in the body resulting from weight loss after drastic weight loss or childbirth, when many skin folds are formed. As a rule, these are areas of the body with sagging skin, the lower abdomen, the lower buttocks, the lumbar region, the inner surfaces of the thighs and arms. Lymphatic drainage detox massage will help stop premature aging and tissue deformation, restore the maximum possible elasticity throughout the body, increase muscle tone and elasticity of the skin, eliminate excess fat, loose skin. To create an athletic definition, this massage helps to correct deformed muscle-fascial tissues that are located under the skin of the body.


During the procedure of lymphatic drainage detox massage, tissues are activated at the level of the epidermis, dermis, hypodermis, superficial and deep muscle levels. There is an activation of the central and peripheral blood circulation, optimization of the lymphatic outflow. Lymphatic drainage detox massage is a unique method for maintaining youthfulness and aesthetics of the body. The results are truly amazing.

This technique is an integral part of the rehabilitation system of Professor A.V. Shevtsov and is not used in practice as a mono-method. For this training cycle, specialists are accepted only after completing courses of health-improving deep massage .

After successfully completing the courses, you will be issued a certificate signed by Professor A.V. Shevtsov, Doctor of Biological Sciences, Head of the Department of Physical Rehabilitation of the National State University named after P.F. Lesgaft, allowing the use of the author's massage method in health-improving practices.


Graduates who successfully completed courses
lymphatic drainage body detox massage

Как проходят курсы лимфодренажного детокс-массажа тела

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We invite you to familiarize yourself with the rich arsenal  methods of professor A.V. Shevtsova 


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